To be Christ to the WHOSOEVER

Matt Davis at Summit Church

Well, Apologetics is out of the way for this semester and now only a Systematic Theology exam tomorrow, then a break till August.

I spoke with Jeremy Pollett today and it was great to hear what God is doing in the life of Summit's College Ministry and Minister.

I asked Pollett how the College Ministry was looking and shaping up for the Fall with Eli Byrd helping out, and how his VISION was going for the Fall.

He told me that he was finalizing some ideas, though he was taking awhile with it because he didn't have peace about everything yet

This is good news! Its not that I rejoice in his struggles (though we are too as well), but that I know he's prayerfully considering where the Lord would lead him this Fall, and that he's praying over God's VISION for lives to be changed at CSU and Summit Nation in the Fall.

It leads me to a suggestion: I would like to suggest that those who read this that are Christian Leaders in their household begin to pray for a VISION from God of where He would want you to lead your family in the next year.

Most people don't like to talk about the "man is the head of the household", though biblically he is.

The problem however lies in the fact that WE are putting "authority" which is there, but sometimes misunderstood on the head of the household.

God should be the Leader, Overseer, Head of the household. I personally find that things work better to Gods glory and for my benefit (not necessarily meaning "beneficial in a worldly sense, but a biblical sense) if I seek God's will in it beforehand. So what, head of household, is God's VISION for your family this year.
