"Praying as if you wanted God to hear you". This is a quote from a newspaper article that Francis Chan read on his VCast at Cornerstone Simi Valley.
Do we do that? Do we pray as if we want God to hear us? Sometimes, I think we do. Sometimes not.
What do you think about only praying when you want God to hear you? Not praying for food your actually not thankful for, and not praying before you sleep because you're supposed to pray before you go to sleep. But to actually pray because you want God to hear you.
Because you want God to hear you.
What would you say to Him when you know He's listening?
You have the Creator of the universe, the Author and Perfecter of your faith, the Lord who hanged on a cross and gave His mother to His friend John, the Christ who who appeared to Thomas and let him see for himself, Jesus who ascended into heaven and sits at the Father's right hand, and the King who will return and bring about revelation.
What do you have to say? Why are you praying?
The important part is not what you say. It's the heart behind it. There are so many wonderful things going on when you pray; it is so ultimately glorifying to God, and you're probably unaware.
The first thing is that you're being obedient to God by obeying His commands (pray without ceasing, this is how you should pray, etc.), the second is that you're submitting to His authority and power (because logically why would you ask someone who cannot help you to help you), thirdly you're putting Him as worthy (worthy to be spoken to, listened to, share time with, etc.), and finally you're seeking His will [submitting to whatever He does, for whatever reason, and giving everything into His hands because He knows better (Isa 55)].
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