To be Christ to the WHOSOEVER

Matt Davis at Summit Church

March 10, 2009

Peruvian Mountains

Right now I´m sitting in an "internet cafe" surrounded by Kevin and little girls laughing at us. We´re about to go and eat dinner, and we´ve been taking parasite medicine everytime we eat, as well as altitude medicine every 8 hours.

Today we drove around some very interesting cliffs to get to a city called San Lorenzo de Quinti. Earlier this morning we went to the Elementary school in Huarochiri and played futbol as well as sang some songs. Pollett and I lost our 2 v 97 futbol match 9-2...we were put to shame, and Pollett fell down a hill.

Also, we saw some llamas and were blocked in traffic by some cows for about 10mins or so. Breakfast was fried eggs over rice with bread, lunch was beef soup with beef and rice and potatoes, and for dinner tonight we´re having chucha (which is what we had last night: fried trout and french fries or fritatas).

Tomorrow we´re going to the highschool to meet with their students, and then I´m not sure.

Hope to use the internet at some other point while we´re here, but it might not be possible till Thursday or Friday.

I´m also praying that my backpack (which I´m still without) is at the Lima airport when we return; I´m going to check again when we get back to Lima, and once more if necessary before we hope on the plane to Atlanta.

Hope everyone is doing well, Pollett´s been a little sick, Kevin was a little this morning, but mostly everyone has been good.
