So our flight leaves at 12am tomorrow morning, though we'll probably head to the airport at about 8pm tonight to make sure we have more than enough time to be there and go through checks and everything. Then to an 7 hour flight from Lima to Atlanta where we will go through customs and hopefully be able to either get a faster flight straight to Charleston, or just rent a car and head home via Hyundai...or as I call it: the Porsche.
Yesterday we went to the Indian Market and I was able to buy Brandie something, and we were also able to pick something up for those that are coming to Peru in May as well, though I'm not saying what.
Also, the group that was kinda staying here with us from Troy University headed back last night as well, and then Kevin, Pollett, and I finished watching the BEST MOVIE EVER: DareDevil...if you have not seen it, leave now and go to wherever videotapes or movies of anykind are sold, and or rented, and buy it, and or rent it...and watch it.
Another point, we got "lost" yesterday for...well about 3 hours...which is a long time in flipflops, at least our feet think so. Though we did end up finding our way back via a Pizza Hut that put all American Pizza Huts to shame. This place had menus with appetizers and desserts in them...which we just don't have in the US. Amazing.
Anyways, Pollett and Kevin are ready to go to Starbuck's (apparently a daily Peruvian tradition), and so we shall go.
Nicholas, Kevin, Pollett
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