To be Christ to the WHOSOEVER

Matt Davis at Summit Church

February 16, 2009


Ok, Kevin, Pollett, and I are going to be meeting on Wednesday to hash out some future plans, and discuss the March Vision Trip, as well as plane tickets, vacc(s)., rental trucks, etc.

Look for an update on here after that meeting as far as WHEN we're looking to purchase tickets and get everything going for May.

I know it seems like a good ways away, but it's important when going such a distance, and for having limited time, that we prepare adequately in advance to do the work we're called to.

Any questions, please list them on here by commenting, or on the Peru Group on


P.s. And to all that went to the beach retreat YOU'RE AMAZING! Unless Jacob is reading, then he owes lunch, or some monetary recompense. j/k : )