To be Christ to the WHOSOEVER

Matt Davis at Summit Church

December 9, 2008

Peru Meeting


This entry is to say "thank you" to all the people that showed up with interest in the Peru Missions trip. We will be meeting again in January (date underdetermined at this point) to discuss a little further in detail what the plan is for May, and then there will be more informational, team-building, fund-raising, and training meetings as we procede.

For anyone who is seriously considering going to Peru, I would like to recommend that you begin now with a small training schedule (if you do not hike, play sports, etc.....but then you may want to do it consistently for one week anyways). Some people will be in high altitude situations, and your body will be expected to walk for some distances having less oxygen than normal; so please be aware of that up front. Not everyone will be doing this, however, I would recommend an excercise routine for everyone who is considering going, because God may use you in a way that we didn't plan for, and we need to be ready to be used by Him in any capacity.

One of the best things (to me), as well as the most exciting, is the fact that only 2% of the people that we'll be working with have ever heard the gospel. It will be a tremendous opportunity for us to share Christ, and pray to see people come to Him...imagine a village receiving the Lord and sharing in our hope and joy. Hope to see you there!


Anonymous said...

Lets go woohoo